Police break record for bike marking on Campus

Police bike marking on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus

Record number of bikes security marked on Clean Air Day

Cambridgeshire Police, in partnership with Camcycle, security marked 154 bicycles in one day on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, setting a record for the site.

Getting your bike security marked by the police is a highly effective, visible deterrent to bike thieves and helps reunite cyclists with their bike if it is stolen and subsequently recovered by the police. The team was on the Green and the Gardens on the Campus from 11am-3pm on 20 July, which was also Clean Air Day, in an effort to help fight cycle crime and encourage sustainable travel. 

We want to make it as easy, safe and enjoyable as possible for people coming to the Cambridge Biomedical Campus to do so via sustainable travel –such as cycling or walking. The latest Campus transport survey found that  cycling journeys make up 16% of journeys to campus. We hope that by fighting cycle crime, this number continues to rise. You can plan your cycle route with Cambridge CycleStreets. 

The bike marking event coincided with Better Transport Week and was supported by the Cambridge University Hospitals sustainability team, which engages with staff, patients and the wider community to share information and encourage healthier and more sustainable behaviours.

Lynne Brown, Travel and Transport Coordinator for the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, commented:

“If you are able to swap just one daily car journey for a bike ride, this can help towards significantly lowering your carbon footprint.  Not only does cycling help you do your bit for the environment, but it helps you to get fitter and healthier.  This is why we wanted to promote and showcase how great cycling can be and thought that having our stall next to the bike marking stand gave us the perfect opportunity to do this.”


Future bike marking events on Campus 

If you want to get your bike marked and frame number registered on the national database, come to one of our free drop-in sessions on Campus on The Green and The Gardens (outside the front of Royal Papworth Hospital and AstraZeneca’s Discovery Centre): 

  • Thursday 22 August 2024, 11am-3pm,  
  • Thursday 21 November 2024, 11am-3pm

Find out more about free cycle marking events on the CamCycle website. You can also read the Police’s tips to protect your bike from theft.

“If you are able to swap just one daily car journey for a bike ride, this can help towards significantly lowering your carbon footprint.  Not only does cycling help you do your bit for the environment, but it helps you to get fitter and healthier.  This is why we wanted to promote and showcase how great cycling can be and thought that having our stall next to the bike marking stand gave us the perfect opportunity to do this.”

Lynne Brown