NIHR Public Event: Inflammation Research

A woman holds her stomach

NIHR Cambridge BRC Public Afternoon and Evening: Inflammation Research

Do you want to find out the latest findings in our researchers’ inflammation research? And how this could help in the understanding and treatment of a range of health conditions that result when inflammation goes wrong?
Make a date in your diaries and book your places now for our free public open afternoon and evening on Thursday 10th October, at the Frank Lee Centre (Hexagon Room) on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, where you’ll hear from our researchers Dr Bina Patel, Prof Menna Clatworthy and Prof Clare Elizabeth Bryant as they discuss some of their latest research in inflammation.
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Choice of sessions

We have a choice of two sessions (talks are repeated with a new audience) – either in the afternoon (4-5pm) or evening (6-7pm) so you only need to book one session.

Whether you choose to come for the afternoon or evening talks, you are welcome to spend the hour from 5-6pm chatting to our researchers about their work, viewing the research posters on display and some light refreshments.

Interested? Find out more and book your ticket on Eventbrite.