Cambridge Wellness Festival

Cambridge Wellness Festival

Prioritise your wellbeing and join us at The Cambridge Wellness Festival

When: 11am-6pm, Tuesday 10th September 2024

Where: The Green on Cambridge Biomedical Campus (find us on What3Words and Google Maps) between Royal Papworth Hospital and AstraZeneca, you can’t miss us, just look out for the tents and the festival flags!

We’ve got an incredibly exciting day planned come rain or shine in our huge stretch tents on the Green. There is no charge for entry or for anything except refreshments – and as an added bonus all our activities run throughout the day, whatever time you arrive! No pre-booking required – just turn up!


Find out more about the programme below. For activities within the Chill Zones, please wear loose, comfortable clothing and note that numbers are restricted for some activities. All ages/abilities are welcome and no previous experience is required.

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All day Art-therapy Drop In: Rowan Charity 11am–2pm and Kimberley Lyemere 2–6pm

Rowan is running drop-in creative workshops for everyone at the Festival. The charity is an arts centre and forest school for adults with learning disabilities, providing a safe, creative, and enriching environment where the arts are used as a tool to bring people together and tackle social exclusion.

Kimberley Lymere is an Independent Art Therapist whose sessions were overwhelmingly popular last year. Restorative, grounded and relaxing sessions which provide creative opportunities for self-expression, and exploring thoughts, feelings and new ideas through the non-verbal medium of art.

Yoga Nidra – with Lilly (Running in the Main Arena at 11.15 am, 12noon): An effortless and deeply relaxing form of meditation known as Yogic Sleep. This revitalizing practice does not only restore balance in the nervous system but also brings clarity, peace, resilience, fulfilment and purpose.

All-day drop-in Menopause Café with free coffee and cake!

Dementia and Autism Experience: Experience firsthand what it might be like to have dementia or autism with the Virtual Dementia (11am-2pm) and Virtual Autism (3.30-6pm) experiences. By understanding the issues faced by a person with these conditions, we can unlock new ways to communicate, understand their behaviours, reduce frustration, anxiety and really improve their lives.

Massage Gazebo: five masseurs giving free head neck and shoulder massages throughout the day.

Meditation sessions for beginners and those who are experienced – with Elevate Wellness.

Mobile Fitness Facility delivering complimentary exercise and well-being support from a state-of-the-art mobile fitness facility.

Positive Psychology Drop-In Pod: Join NINE Lab to discover scientifically-backed, self-administered techniques that have been evidenced to boost well-being.

Reiki tasters with Siobhan from Art Willow Soul: Pronounced “ray-key”, this Japanese healing technique uses gentle touch to balance and change energy fields in and around the body.

Urban Smoothie Bikes: Kindly sponsored by Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust and Royal Papworth Hospital Charity, participants pedal on a bike to blend their own delicious smoothie.

Restart a Heart workshops and CPR competition: bring your friends and colleagues – a fun way to see who can restart the heart the quickest! Join in the competition and learn CPR at the same time with Sara Almeida, Lead Resuscitation Officer at Royal Papworth Hospital.

Liver Health Pod from Addenbrooke’s Hospital: Offering Hepatitis C information and screening, as well as providing liver health advice.

CUH ArtsCreate your own lino-printed badge with artist Sandra Scott. Design your own or print one using the stamps provided. This creative activity is extremely satisfying, and you walk away with your own wearable artwork!

11.15am Qi Gong –  with Jemma Golds from Golden-Bliss Retreats: Qi-Gong is the art of movement & meditation to help decrease stress and increase energy.

12noon Pilates – with Hannah Bebbington Physiotherapist at CUH: Improve strength, flexibility and balance

12.45pm Sound-Bath – with Jemma Golds from Golden-Bliss Retreats: Sound-baths use frequency and vibration from sacred instruments to help relax and de-stress and give us a break from busy lives.

1.30pm Yoga – with Daisy Worzencraft – wear loose, comfortable clothing. All ages/abilities are welcome!

2.45pm Qi Gong – with Jemma Golds from Golden-Bliss Retreats:  Qi-Gong is the art of movement & meditation to help decrease stress and increase energy.

3.30pm Pilates – with Hannah Bebbington Physiotherapist at CUH: Improve strength, flexibility and balance

4.15pm Sound-Bath – with Jemma Golds from Golden-Bliss Retreats: Sound-baths use frequency and vibration from sacred instruments to help relax and de-stress and give us a break from busy lives.

5.15pm Yoga – with Daisy Worzencraft – wear loose, comfortable clothing. All ages/abilities are welcome!

With Heilsa Wellbeing Mission (Mike Hills and Paula Todd)

11:30am:  Sound Bath Meditation with Mike Hills
12:30pm: Grounding Meditation  with Paula Todd
13:30pm: Sound Bath Meditation with Mike Hills
14:30pm: Drum Journey Meditation with Paula Todd
15:30pm: Sound Bath Meditation with Mike Hills
16:30pm: How to Manifest Through Meditation with Paula Todd
17:15pm: Arrow Break with Mike Hills and Paula Todd

The Talks Tent returns for a second year: join us for an inspirational range of talks given by experts in their fields. Come and listen, ask questions – and learn…

11.15am “I Can (not) Avoid Stress – How About Burnout?” – Ivana Stulic, positive psychology trainer, coach, consultant: Ivana has flown in from Croatia to be with us at the CWF.  A recent survey found that nearly two-thirds of full-time employees experience burnout at some point. Although burnout is formally defined as an “occupational phenomenon” symptoms of burnout (with harmful consequences for people’s physical and mental health) can also occur because of other extremely stressful circumstances so it is smart to be able to recognize it. In this talk, you will learn whether healthy stress exists and when it is okay, what is the difference between stress and burnout, and how to spot symptoms early on and prevent burnout. With positive habits, we can greatly influence how we deal with stress, and sometimes we have to ask ourselves if the (work) environment is really good for us and whether we are taking care of our own needs adequately. From the perspective of managers and employers, it is good to understand what leads to burnout and how we can avoid it by our actions and encouraging a healthier work culture. The talk will be informative, practical and hopefully inspiring for all attendees.

12-noon Premenstrual Disorder – Dr Ola Abdellatif at Ola Womens’s Health

1pm Menopause – Dr Susanna Unsworth Cambridge Women’s Health –  Menopause: Everything you need to know! What is menopause/perimenopause. Timings of menopause transition. What symptoms to expect. Self-help strategies. Treatment options, HRT, and testosterone. Menopause in the workplace.

2pm How to Come Home: The Profound Loving Power of Listening – Henry Johnstone TRIGGER WARNING This talk will be centered around the profound power of listening and opening up. covering subjects such as addiction, mental health illness, self-worth, family, and relationships. Henry will explore how silence creates disconnection and suffering and how community and openness create the simplest most profound opportunities to bring us all home. This talk is in support of the Samaritans.

3pm Nutrition for Better Health – Dr Maria Chondronikola – Principal Investigator and Lead for Human Nutrition, Institute of Metabolic Science, University of Cambridge. Maria reviews the role of nutrition in health and pathological conditions affecting a large number of people in the UK(obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer). She will discuss practical information that can be used to improve one’s nutrition habits for better health, followed by a Q&A session.

4pm Supporting Individuals to Overcome their Eating Difficulties – Becks Burrell, Ward Manager, Adult Eating Disorders, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust. Supporting individuals to overcome their eating difficulties.

5pm Positive Ageing –  Matt Freeman at Viva Positiva: Gain insight into the physicality and psychology of how we age and take on the misguided, generalised perceptions of ageing with a more optimistic and holistic perspective. With an awareness of mind-body connection, there is a proactive, practical framework we can adopt, enabling ourselves and those we love to embrace getting older with the same energy and enthusiasm as in previous stages of life.

Join us for a series of interactive workshops. Take part or just listen, whatever makes you feel comfortable…

11.15am Resilience Workshop from Emma Warren, Workforce Health and Wellbeing Practitioner at Royal Papworth Hospital. What is Resilience? How do we build our Resilience?

12noon Cultivating Happiness How to Build Optimal Well-Being with Briony Quested from NINE Lab. This workshop introduces the key components of enduring well-being and helps you to create a personalised roadmap for increased happiness.

1pm ‘Finding your Playful Self’ with Sarah Creevey, the Playful Coach. Are you in touch with your playful self? We tend to think of playfulness as something we grow out of as we get older, but there are huge benefits to our well-being in engaging playfully with life as adults. Playfulness in adults has been linked to better cognitive functioning, better coping during times of stress, higher motivation, a greater sense of meaning and overall well-being and satisfaction with life. The effects can be truly profound, and some experts even say play should be a matter for public health. This workshop will show you how to get back in touch with your playful self, even if it’s buried deep, and give you the tools and confidence to start engaging playfully in life and work once more!
Sarah is an ICF-accredited coach, facilitator, positive psychology consultant and expert on playfulness. She works with individuals and groups to help them identify their unique playful self and how to bring this to the fore to help deal with challenges, achieve goals, build confidence and achieve better meaning. She has trained in improvisational theatre and applied neuroscience, and has a masters in Applied Positive Psychology from Anglia Ruskin University (ARU). She has worked with many varied clients including Octopus Group, KFC, Channel 4, University of Exeter and the Cabinet Office. She lives in Surrey with her husband and two young daughters, who challenge her to be playful every day!

2pm No Booze Workshop from Zoe Godfrey at No Booze Network. An informative session delving into the knowledge of what alcohol truly is, looking at what a grey area drinker is and the benefits of having a break from the booze. The rise of the no/low alcohol industry and how this offers the power of choice for today’s socialising.

3pm ‘Positive Journalling Workshop’ with Jane Jennison. Using the science of positive psychology to guide our reflections to boost wellbeing: Journalling is a great way to boost our mood, but it can be easy to fall into negative reflection or being self-critical. In this workshop, Jane will share some positive psychology-based tools and techniques to help you reflect positively as you journal. You will learn why journalling is a great way to have a positive focus, and how your journal can be your guide when you feel low. We’ll share the mental health benefits of journalling. Finally, we’ll look at some examples, and share some tools that you can use to help you on your journalling journey.

4pm The 4 Breath Method – the tiny habit that changes everything – with Sam Thorogood from Tiny Pause. Develop a sense of peace that we can always return to. An internal strength to help us understand that we are enough and that we can find a way through whatever we are faced with.

5pm Pelvic Floor – Practical Breathwork and Postures Workshop with Claire Forrester, Osteopath (The Form Practice in Cambridge). For all ladies having trouble with pelvic floor disorder such as incontinence, sexual dysfunction or prolapse, or those wanting to prevent any of these from happening. Or perhaps you are looking to strengthen your core, wanting to prepare your body for pregnancy, or recover pelvic floor strength after giving birth, along with anyone looking to decrease their waist size, improve posture, flatten their abdominals, improve circulation or improve athletic performance. Join Claire who will take us through Hypopressives which are a series of exercises, postures and breathing techniques wrapped up neatly into a short, flowing routine that are really easy to fit in to your day. Everybody can benefit from Hypopressives because they are all about retraining your core muscles to work as they were designed to.

ACED Cohort Study The Alliance for Cancer Early Detection (ACED) Cohort is a group of volunteers willing to consider participating in early cancer detection research.

Autonomous Ideas Ltd Join Jane who will be sharing her card decks and guided journals based on positive psychology – the science of authentic happiness and well-being. The guided journals are a seven-week intervention using character strengths and positive reflections to build a picture of who you are as your best self, and how to reconnect with moments that bring you joy and fulfilment. The card decks include: Character strengths, based on and accredited by them, and ‘Positive Prompts’ – 52 positive reflections for your journalling or conversations. The third is ‘Positive Team Building; which prompts positive conversations in your team. Finally, ‘Positive Coaching; 52 questions to use as a coach for positive conversations, or for your self-guided considerations. Jane will also be leading a workshop on journalling for increased well-being.

Bike Works Bicycle maintenance information stand.

Cacao Shack Van Drinks & Healthy Wraps: Cacao Shack brings the ancient tradition of cacao ceremonies to modern times, offering you the highest quality cacao for both personal and communal use. Ceremonial-grade cacao is known for its numerous health benefits, including it is claimed activating neuroreceptors in the brain, enhanced mood, increased focus, and improved heart health. It is rich in antioxidants, magnesium, and natural compounds that promote relaxation and well-being.

Free bike marking with CamCycle from 12 noon til 3 pm. CamCycle works for more, better and safer cycling in and around Cambridge. Find them outside on the Green.

Cambridge Fruit Company Free fruit to keep you going!

How Are You Cambridgeshire and Peterborough with Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) How Are You is a suite of local websites that bring together information about local activities that are good for wellbeing and local sources of support – as well as representatives from CPFT’s Head to Toe Charity and CPFT Voluntary Services.

Careerships Partnering with individuals to help them achieve career fulfilment.

Change Grow Live An opportunity for the community to see the support we offer to those struggling with alcohol and drugs. We have interactive tabletop games that aim to help people have a greater understanding of alcohol units which sparks a conversation of implementing healthier habits.

Dentistry & More (private dentistry and GP service) Providing information about dental services and procedures, GP services, women’s health services, MPS, PMDD, organic oral care products, and treatment offers.

Eating Disorders Cambridge and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) Information on Eating Disorders and their treatment within CPFT.  See also the talk in the Talks Tent at 4 pm.

Frank Lee Centre Promoting on-site leisure centre for CBC employees

Full of Beans – Mental Health Awareness Full of Beans aims to reduce eating disorder stigma and raise awareness by sharing collective experiences and fostering shared conversations. Han hosts weekly talks with guests, including those with lived experiences, researchers, clinicians, and charities, all working to enhance understanding and end stigma. By blending personal stories with research and clinical insights, Full of Beans creates a compassionate space, amplifies voices, and builds a network of strength and understanding of eating disorders.

Golden-Bliss Retreats: Massage, retreats. Also running Qi Gong and sound baths in the side tent.

Healthy You: Free health checks plus stop smoking advice from the Tobacco Dependency Advisor at Addenbrooke’s.

Healthier You As the only commissioned NHS Programme helping people reduce their risk of type-2 diabetes the stand will have information for pre-diabetic people about the course, the venues, the sessions, and how to register themselves for the programme. They will also share different pathways that an eligible patient can choose from to attend the course.

Hypnotherapy by Heather Fletcher Providing information regarding what hypnotherapy is; issues clients come to see me about and the benefits of receiving hypnotherapy online, in the comfort of your home.

Ice cream cart from Toni’s Ices

Integrative Hypnotherapy with Henry Johnstone “Profound peace and limitless freedom” Henry’s stand will be an opportunity to demystify the fascinating world of your subconscious mind. And to try out some light hypnosis journeys too. Henry loves welcoming people into the most wonderful world of hypnosis, that we so rarely get to experience from this amazingly versatile art. Come and learn how your subconscious mind works, and how you might use it to move more beautifully and freely through your obstacles and challenges.

LiveBrighterNOW The neuroscience of wellbeing: sleep, managing stress and creating lasting behaviour change.

Menopause – Cambridge Women’s Health Everything you ever wanted to know about menopause: come and chat to Dr Susanna Unsworth. Also listen to her in the Talks Tent at 1 pm.

Menopause – Joyful Menopause Emma Tytherleigh, Midlife Fitness Instructor and Menopause Mentor and Amanda Ryder, Midlife Nutritionist and author will be on hand to answer your questions on how best to look after your well-being with movement, nutrition and managing stress in midlife and beyond. We are both passionate about the positive impact movement and eating well can have on our physical and mental well-being as we head into, navigate through and emerge the other side of menopause. We have our own businesses and also work together to deliver one-day Midlife Retreats for women at PAUS and for organisations.

Mindful Explorers Mindfulness sessions for children and parents in Cambridge and online

MRC Metabolic Diseases Back with their sugar test and much more!  Also in the Talks Tent at 3 pm talking on Nutrition for Better Health with Dr Maria Chondronikola.

NIHR Bioresource Volunteer Recruitment Stand.

Nutritionist See Joyful Menopause.

Occupational Health for Royal Papworth and Addenbrooke’s.

PAT (pets as therapy) dogs  Come and chat to volunteers and pet a dog!

Positive Journalling with Jane Jennison. Jane is also running a Journalling Workshop in the Main Arena at 3pm.

Prostate health information from Addenbrooke’s.

Sing! Choirs Campus Choir Open to everyone, people who work on the campus, visitors, local residents. All welcome. Free of charge, runs weekly during term-time on campus.

Smoking Cessation at the Healthy You stand – with the Tobacco Dependency Advisor at Addenbrooke’s.

Sober Curious with Zoe Godfrey. No Booze Network Sober coaching – becoming more mindful of alcohol consumption without necessarily committing to complete abstinence.

Urban Smoothie Bikes from Outspoken Cycles – come and peddle a static push-bike to generate electricity to turn the blender for your free smoothie!

Viva Positiva – Positive Aging We’re all getting older, and generally, we’re living much longer. But within our society, and within ourselves, the perceptions of aging do not make it something to be relished and looked forward to – “there is nothing as old as not wanting to get old”. Positive Ageing offers an alternative: by bringing together the sciences of positive psychology and gerontology, it asks the question “how can we go about becoming healthier, and happier”. This talk will provide an insight into the physicality and psychology of how we age and takes on the misguided, generalised perceptions of aging with a more optimistic and holistic perspective. With an awareness of Mind-body connection, there is a proactive, practical framework we can adopt, enabling ourselves, and those we love, to embrace getting older with the same energy and enthusiasm of previous stages of life.

Well:o Dental Care Easy, enjoyable, expert dental hygiene treatments.  Running mini-workshops at the stand 12:00 / 14:00 / 16:00 (20min).

Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust is dedicated to making Addenbrooke’s and Rosie hospitals even better in every way. We rely entirely on the funds we raise through patients and their families, businesses, philanthropic individuals, charitable trusts, and foundations to do just that.

Anna Kennedy Online (Autism Awareness) in collaboration with DAWN who have recently launched the Autism Passport and The Autism Education Leavers Passport highlighted on BBC News in August 2024.

Cambridge Samaritans Sharing information about the Samaritans and what we do. Raising awareness of the free emotional support service available 24/7 as well as how we can all spot the signs of someone that may be struggling, and information on how to approach those conversations. Our vision is that fewer people die by suicide. Call Samaritans 24/7 on 116 123. You don’t have to be suicidal to call.

Maggie’s Cancer Care Charity A different kind of cancer care. Maggie’s idea was that with the right support, “nobody would lose the joy living in the fear of dying when diagnosed with cancer”. We are thrilled to be welcoming Maggie’s to the Cambridge Wellness Festival for the second year.

Mind Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and South Lincolnshire Mind (CPSL Mind) is a values-based mental health charity. Everything CPSL Mind does is underpinned by its core values of respect, empowerment, inclusivity, integrity, courage and compassion. The charity supports local people on their road to recovery from a wide range of mental health challenges. CPSL Mind promotes wellbeing across local communities and campaigns against the stigma and discrimination faced by so many people experiencing mental health challenges.

Poppy Study the study of cardiometabolic health in pregnancy

Rowan Charity is an arts centre for adults with learning disabilities. One of our art tutors accompanied by some of our art students will be hosting a simple art and craft activity designed to unwind, relax, and be creative.

Royal Papworth Charity plays a vital role in ensuring that Royal Papworth Hospital can offer superior facilities, exceptional patient care, and an enhanced patient experience thanks to the generosity of our supporters.

VG Coffee for vegan food and coffee

Cacao Shack Van Drinks & Healthy Wraps: Cacao Shack brings the ancient tradition of cacao ceremonies to modern times, offering you the highest quality cacao for both personal and communal use. Ceremonial-grade cacao is known for its numerous health benefits, including it is claimed activating neuroreceptors in the brain, enhanced mood, increased focus, and improved heart health. It is rich in antioxidants, magnesium, and natural compounds that promote relaxation and well-being.

Toni’s Ices for a splendid array of ice cream in so many flavours


Please note that the accuracy and scientific legitimacy of any content of stallholders, activities and workshops at the Cambridge Wellness Festival is the responsibility of those presenting it. Whilst Cambridge Biomedical Campus Ltd (CBC Ltd) has facilitated the programme for the Festival, involvement in the Festival should not be seen as endorsement by CBC Ltd or its member organisations.

Whilst we are making every effort to ensure your safety at the Cambridge Wellness Festival, please be aware that the event takes place on The Green, a predominantly grass surface. This may mean uneven ground and in the event of rain the ground may be slippery. Please ensure you wear suitable footwear and take extra care to keep yourself safe.