Potential for Phase 4
The process for a new joint Local Plan is led by Greater Cambridge Shared Planning (GCSP) and they will be seeking views on a future draft plan which includes the phase 4 land. Find out more on the GCSP website. There will be separate engagement processes in relation plots or buildings on the phase 3 and 4 land as and when proposals are brought forward by the developers.
Any allocation of this land would need to demonstrate how the expansion would support the Cambridge Biomedical Campus to meet local, regional or national needs for for health care, biomedical research and life science space. This would need to be part of a comprehensive and coherent plan for the campus as a whole including infrastructure provision on the existing and expanded campus along with a range support activities to meet the needs of employees, visitors and local people.
The masterplan should also maximise opportunities to improve the ‘legibility’ of the Campus by providing a network of cycle and pedestrian routes, high quality new public realm and open space. In particular, it should explore opportunities to enhance connections with the new Cambridge South Railway Station. There may also be limited residential uses where they would provide affordable and key worker homes for Campus employees.
Last updated: 23/07/2024