Cambridge Biomedical Campus 2050 Vision
This 2050 Vision was published in 2021 in place of the 2020 Vision, which was published in 2001. It set out our ambitions for Cambridge Biomedical Campus over the following three decades and was informed by an engagement process with local focus groups via Counter Context during the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is currently being updated.
The document is intended as a broad vision for how partners felt the Campus should be developed to support life sciences and healthcare at the time. Detail on how this could be delivered came later as part of the Spatial Framework (a public version of this can be found here).
Subsequent work has sought to reflect feedback and build on the Vision, in particular the 2022 Holistic Spatial Framework and more recently, our contributions to work led by landowners to produce a refreshed masterplan for the Campus.
There has been no formal consultation for the 2050 Vision as any green belt expansion would involve a comprehensive public consultation process by Greater Cambridge Shared Planning (GCSP) as part the Local Plan. Find out more on the GCSP website.